(Advanced) Multi-Agents
Multiple Agents can work together by handling subtasks and communicating the progress. Communication between agents is typically implemented using message queues in shared storage.
Example Agent Communication: Message Queue
Here’s a simple example showing how to implement agent communication using asyncio.Queue
. The agent listens for messages, processes them, and continues listening:
class AgentNode(AsyncNode):
async def prep_async(self, _):
message_queue = self.params["messages"]
message = await message_queue.get()
print(f"Agent received: {message}")
return message
# Create node and flow
agent = AgentNode()
agent >> agent # connect to self
flow = AsyncFlow(start=agent)
# Create heartbeat sender
async def send_system_messages(message_queue):
counter = 0
messages = [
"System status: all systems operational",
"Memory usage: normal",
"Network connectivity: stable",
"Processing load: optimal"
while True:
message = f"{messages[counter % len(messages)]} | timestamp_{counter}"
await message_queue.put(message)
counter += 1
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def main():
message_queue = asyncio.Queue()
shared = {}
flow.set_params({"messages": message_queue})
# Run both coroutines
await asyncio.gather(
The output:
Agent received: System status: all systems operational | timestamp_0
Agent received: Memory usage: normal | timestamp_1
Agent received: Network connectivity: stable | timestamp_2
Agent received: Processing load: optimal | timestamp_3
Interactive Multi-Agent Example: Taboo Game
Here’s a more complex example where two agents play the word-guessing game Taboo. One agent provides hints while avoiding forbidden words, and another agent tries to guess the target word:
class AsyncHinter(AsyncNode):
async def prep_async(self, shared):
guess = await shared["hinter_queue"].get()
if guess == "GAME_OVER":
return None
return shared["target_word"], shared["forbidden_words"], shared.get("past_guesses", [])
async def exec_async(self, inputs):
if inputs is None:
return None
target, forbidden, past_guesses = inputs
prompt = f"Generate hint for '{target}'\nForbidden words: {forbidden}"
if past_guesses:
prompt += f"\nPrevious wrong guesses: {past_guesses}\nMake hint more specific."
prompt += "\nUse at most 5 words."
hint = call_llm(prompt)
print(f"\nHinter: Here's your hint - {hint}")
return hint
async def post_async(self, shared, prep_res, exec_res):
if exec_res is None:
return "end"
await shared["guesser_queue"].put(exec_res)
return "continue"
class AsyncGuesser(AsyncNode):
async def prep_async(self, shared):
hint = await shared["guesser_queue"].get()
return hint, shared.get("past_guesses", [])
async def exec_async(self, inputs):
hint, past_guesses = inputs
prompt = f"Given hint: {hint}, past wrong guesses: {past_guesses}, make a new guess. Directly reply a single word:"
guess = call_llm(prompt)
print(f"Guesser: I guess it's - {guess}")
return guess
async def post_async(self, shared, prep_res, exec_res):
if exec_res.lower() == shared["target_word"].lower():
print("Game Over - Correct guess!")
await shared["hinter_queue"].put("GAME_OVER")
return "end"
if "past_guesses" not in shared:
shared["past_guesses"] = []
await shared["hinter_queue"].put(exec_res)
return "continue"
async def main():
# Set up game
shared = {
"target_word": "nostalgia",
"forbidden_words": ["memory", "past", "remember", "feeling", "longing"],
"hinter_queue": asyncio.Queue(),
"guesser_queue": asyncio.Queue()
print("Game starting!")
print(f"Target word: {shared['target_word']}")
print(f"Forbidden words: {shared['forbidden_words']}")
# Initialize by sending empty guess to hinter
await shared["hinter_queue"].put("")
# Create nodes and flows
hinter = AsyncHinter()
guesser = AsyncGuesser()
# Set up flows
hinter_flow = AsyncFlow(start=hinter)
guesser_flow = AsyncFlow(start=guesser)
# Connect nodes to themselves
hinter - "continue" >> hinter
guesser - "continue" >> guesser
# Run both agents concurrently
await asyncio.gather(
The Output:
Game starting!
Target word: nostalgia
Forbidden words: ['memory', 'past', 'remember', 'feeling', 'longing']
Hinter: Here's your hint - Thinking of childhood summer days
Guesser: I guess it's - popsicle
Hinter: Here's your hint - When childhood cartoons make you emotional
Guesser: I guess it's - nostalgic
Hinter: Here's your hint - When old songs move you
Guesser: I guess it's - memories
Hinter: Here's your hint - That warm emotion about childhood
Guesser: I guess it's - nostalgia
Game Over - Correct guess!